The Auction

The exquisite painting titled “The Shell Fisher,” created by the talented artist Evert Pieters, is currently being offered for auction by Baumgartner Fine Art Restoration through the platform of eBay, and it is noteworthy that this auction is being conducted with no reserve price. The fortunate winner of this art auction will not only receive the beautiful painting itself but also the carefully crafted frame, all of which will be professionally packed and fully insured to ensure safe delivery. Importantly, the proceeds from this auction, after deducting eBay fees, will be generously donated to the esteemed organization Médecins Sans Frontières, commonly known as Doctors Without Borders (MSF). The results of the auction will be transparently listed here, accompanied by clear evidence and receipts confirming the donation to MSF. It is also significant to mention that Baumgartner Fine Art Restoration will not receive any form of compensation for the meticulous conservation work that has been completed, neither from the final sale of the painting nor in any other capacity.

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